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Attendance and Punctuality
Attendance and punctuality
At Stanley Park Infants’ School good attendance is not simply a legal requirement: we believe it is essential if pupils are to take full advantage of the range of opportunities that school offers, gaining the skills that equip them for their next stage of education and for adult life. We recognise punctuality as an important related issue as frequent lateness will cause children to miss aspects of their education, is upsetting for the child and is disruptive to others. We recognise the importance of a clear understanding of the need for regular and punctual attendance in preparing children for the workplace and building good habits should start at an early age.
Once a child is registered at a school, the parent is legally responsible for making sure they attend regularly.
Parents/carers can help by:
- Making sure they understand the importance of good attendance and punctuality.
- Taking an interest in their child’s education – ask about schoolwork and encourage them to get involved in school activities.
- Discussing any problems they may have at school – informing their teacher or a member of the leadership team about anything serious.
- Not letting them take time off school for minor ailments – particularly those which would not prevent an adult from going to work.
- Arranging appointments and outings after school hours, at weekends or during school holidays will help to prevent disruption to a child’s education and to the school.
The school will not authorise a child going on holiday during term time. Any absence request should be made in writing to the head teacher in good time.
You will receive an up-to-date Attendance Certificate with your child’s annual report. If we have any concerns about your child’s attendance these will be shared with you. Good attendance is between 96% and 100%.
It is also important that children arrive at school on time every day and ready to learn. We run a breakfast club which may help many families. Children late after 9:00am receive a late mark. Children arriving after 9.30am will receive an unauthorised mark. Please let the school office know in advance if your child will be arriving later because of a medical appointment.
Regular attendance and excellent punctuality will ensure that your child makes the best possible progress during their primary years – please support your child by ensuring this happens.