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Stanley Park Infants' School
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Stanley Park Infants' School
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Be kind, be helpful, be the
best you can be!



Welcome to Team Starfish!


We are the Nursery class, and our teachers are Mrs Rendle and Mrs Chauncey.

Our teaching assistants are Mrs.Pacala and Mrs Rogers.


Topic: A Super Starfish Summer


P.E:  We learn new skills all the time through our daily play both inside and outside. We use the nursery playground all day, playing with balls, hoops and bean bags. We use the main school playground daily, where we run, skip, climb and ride bikes and scooters.  

These activities help our bodies to grow and to be strong. 


Computing: Starfish enjoy using programmable toys and games to help develop our ICT knowledge. 


Home Learning: We enjoy sharing books and stories and encourage everyone to make use of the Home School Library so that books can be shared at home with an adult. 










Our Classroom
Team Starfish Playground 
Our Classroom In Awesome Autumn

Stanley Park Infants' School

Be kind, be helpful, be the best you can be!

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Stanley Park Infants' School