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Stanley Park Infants' School
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COVID Catch Up Funding Action Plan

In August 2020, the Government announced additional funding for schools to deliver Catch-Up interventions for pupils to mitigate the impact of national school closures following the Covid-19 lockdown measures. The provision of this funding is subject to change over coming academic years.


Our strategy provides a broad outline of how the catch-up funding will support rapid pupil progress in the context of returning from national school closures and the disruption faced by pupils as a result of Covid-19. The strategies described are not only integral to pupils recovering lost learning, but also to the School Improvement and Development Plan. As such, the Cztch-Up funsding allows the schools to enhance the programme of support and curriculum offer that is made to all pupils.


The overall aim of our Catch-up premium strategy is:

Gaps in pupils’ knowledge and understanding as result of Covid are addressed to ensure all can make rapid progress and reach ARE or above.


Please find below our strategy Please find below our strategy plan for use of the Catch-Up funding following the period of school closure last academic year.

Stanley Park Infants' School

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Stanley Park Infants' School