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Stanley Park Infants' School
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Stanley Park Infants' School
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What are Thinking Skills?

Thinking Skills are cognitive processes that we use to solve problems, make different decisions, asking questions, making plans, organising and creating information. 


The Approach

"The success of the approach is that schools take a whole-school approach to the teaching of thinking. This means that thinking becomes central and explicit and all teachers and students develop a common thinking language and toolbox.


As students move from lesson to lesson and teacher to teacher they will be using the same tools and strategies as part of a coherent and well-planned approach. This applies to both primary and secondary schools.


Each school will identify and select specific thinking tools which can be used across the curriculum. These tools will develop specific types of thinking and thinking processes. The students will develop an understanding of how they think and be able to articulate how they think. Teachers will talk about thinking with their students."

Stanley Park Infants' School

Be kind, be helpful, be the best you can be!

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Stanley Park Infants' School