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Stanley Park Infants' School
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Stanley Park Infants' School
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best you can be!

School 'Mental Health Award'

The school is committed to making mental health a strategic priority.  We aim to develop a positive culture that promotes mental wellbeing for everyone. Stanley Park Infants' School was awarded 'Silver Status' in the Carnegie Centre of Excellence for Mental Health in - School Mental Health Award (January 2020).


Building Emotional Resilience for the whole family

How we manage and take care of our wellbeing as adults is essential in building life-long emotional resilience in our children. The following links and resources are designed to provide families with self-help strategies and are used to compliment a broad range of wellbeing curriculum and interventions used in school. 

Talking Mental Health

Talking Mental Health is an animation designed to help begin conversations about mental health in the classroom and beyond.

Useful Books:

The Red Beast by K.I.Al-Ghani

Starving The Anxiety Gremlin by K.Collins-Donnelly

The Huge Bag of Worries by V.Ironside

My Hidden Chimp by Professor S.Peters

Stanley Park Infants' School

Be kind, be helpful, be the best you can be!

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Stanley Park Infants' School