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Stanley Park Infants' School
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Stanley Park Infants' School
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How do we use them?

Thinking Maps are an integral part of teaching and learning at Stanley Park. Each of the eight maps a different branch of thinking which is linked to the skill the children are developing. The thinking maps are used not just by the children in learning tasks but during whole class sessions, in staff and governors meetings and in planning sessions. This language for learning is fully embedded within our school community and we are always looking for new ways of developing each child's meta-cognition, their understanding of their own though process. 

Thinking skills are embedded within our school community and is a common language for all children. Miss Penny is an accredited 'Thinking Frames' trainer and as a school we have previously been invited to the Thinking Matters conference which Miss Penny and Miss Watson attended. They ran a workshop explaining how we use Thinking Skills at Stanley Park and what changes we have made over the last few years to develop our thinking curriculum. Feel free to look through their presentation below. 

Stanley Park Infants' School

Be kind, be helpful, be the best you can be!

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Stanley Park Infants' School